
How To Get A Thick Back

10 Ways To Make Your Penis Bigger & Thicker Naturally

*This article is for information purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Therefore, consult your urologist, physician, or doctor if you have more questions about this topic.

Many men worry about their penis size because they believe they don't add up. Some may even suffer from a condition called penis dysmorphia or persistent anxiety about penis size. Indeed, a significant factor for this is pornography and society itself, which have warped our perceptions.

Men are often relieved to find out that there are natural ways to increase penis size. Regardless, the true power of your sword is you - the master behind it. Rest assured that penis size matters more to us than to our partners. A study in the British Journal of Urology International (BJUI) demonstrated this fact when it found that 8 in 10 women were completely satisfied with their partner's penises. In other words, most women prefer asmaller package than we as men would assume.

Nevertheless, this article will benefit you if you'd prefer some extra size but would rather avoid penis enlargement surgery and the risks or potential side effects.

So, let's look at 10 of the proven natural ways to increase penis size, improve sexual health, and perhaps give you more enjoyable sex life.

Penis Length: Facts & Figures

penis length facts and figures

Unfortunately, many of us guys have pegged our self-esteem and sense of worth to the size of our penises. Then if we believe that we fall short of the average penis size, we're likely to experience small penis anxiety - mental stress related to beliefs that our penis size doesn't match up to the norm.

In his article The Quest for A Mightier Penis: What You Should Know, renowned urologist Doctor Andrew Siegel makes a note of this, observing that, "when it comes to penis size, many men feel insecure—despite having adequate dimensions—particularly so with our super-sized American bigger-is-better culture: cars, homes, breasts, soft drinks, etc."

"Furthermore, the porn industry and mainstream media have not helped the plight of the average-endowed male."

Let's clear up some things relating to a man's penis.

  1. The average penis size is around 5.1 inches per a study out of Clemson University.
  2. 90% of women in a survey were not concerned about their partner's penis size.
  3. 85% of women were satisfied by what their partners were packing, according to researchers at the American Psychological Association.
  4. Just 55% of men were satisfied with their penis size.

And just in case you were wondering, most women actually prefer an average size of penis.

So, given that information, do you still feel like increasing penis length?

How To Get A Bigger Penis

How to get a bigger penis

Because guys rarely - if ever - discuss having a smaller penis, the topic of penis enlargement hardly ever comes up in open conversation. Consequently, guys turn to their trusted friend - the internet. You'll find countless articles talking about a wide variety of penis enlargement methods.

Using these without guidance might cause more harm than good. And that's why we're going to hold your hand through this process.

Here are the effective methods most men can use to make their penis bigger.

1. Use A Medical Grade Vacuum Pump

medical grade vaccuum pumps for penis size and girth

Usually, a vacuum pump, also commonly referred to as a penis pump, is used by men to combat and treat erectile dysfunction (ED). Medical grade penis pumps are different than what you may have heard of, and definitely not the pump you laughed about in Austin Powers. Medical grade penis pumps enable men to have sexual intercourse by effectively increasing profusion into your penis (more blood flow) to the corpus cavernosum of the flaccid penis, forming an immediate erection and increasing girth and increasing length.

It's Not for Erectile Dysfunction Only

Although a vacuum pump is primarily used for restoring erectile function, the mechanism behind its effectiveness can also work for penis enlargement and increasing length.

A team of researchers out of Tehran University of Medical Sciences ran a study on 37 men over 6 months, testing whether these devices were effective in penile lengthening. Since this vacuum pump method was developed originally for erectile dysfunction, the study only lasted 6 months, and thus, the results were mostly temporary for penis growth.

However, a third of the men were satisfied with the improvement in their penis size. Since this study was performed in 2003, new water-based pumps have been developed that are more effective for increasing penis size and girth.

2. Practice Pelvic Floor Exercises (Kegels)

Practice pelvic floor exercises

Your penis size becomes significantly more prominent when you get an erection. So naturally, when you get a stronger erection, you'll have a bigger penis to show off to your partner. The key to stronger erections is to train your penis the most effective way with a proven system such as The Private Gym, which is scientifically proven to increase the strength of your pelvic floor muscles.

Your pelvic floor muscle group is well placed to push blood into the cavities in your penis, causing a more rigid erection. Therefore, it makes sense to train these muscles to become stronger so that you can get harder erections. In other words, stronger pelvic floor muscles improve circulation down there, resulting in a slightly bigger penis length.

3. Perform Penis Stretching Exercises aka "Jelqing"

Perform Penis Stretching Exercises AKA Jelqing

Jelqing a method of penis stretching that has many benefits when done right and has shown to be of benefit for men suffering from Peyronie's disease. According to Healthline and the Journal of sexual medicine penis stretching or traction exercises are an ideal natural way to naturally make your penis longer, increase penis size, and girth. At first glance, penis stretching seems a lot like masturbation. However, the jelqing exercise allows you to massage and stretch your member, increasing both penis girth and length.

To increase penis size, this exercise creates micro-tears in the penile tissue. The healing process will increase girth. Furthermore, the stroking motion improves circulation, increasing penis length.

How to Stretch Your Penis by Jelqing

how to stretch your penis with jelqing

Here's how you put this stretching exercise into action:

  1. First, ensure that your penis is semi-erect.
  2. Apply jelqing lubricant to the palm of one hand.
  3. With light pressure form an OK gesture with your thumb and index finger forming a circle.
  4. Put your semi-erect penis or flaccid penis shaft through the circle and grip the base of your penis in the stretched position for 20 to 30 seconds using only those two fingers.
  5. Tighten the circle, putting some pressure on the shaft.
  6. Stroke the shaft slowly, in a milking motion, relieving the pressure only when you get towards the crown of the penis head and tip. Each stroke shouldn't last less than 2 seconds.
  7. Release and return your index finger-thumb circle to the base and repeat the above process for up to 20 minutes.

The goal of this exercise isn't to masturbate. So, if you feel like you're about to climax, you should let your penis relax before starting over with the massage.

Drawbacks to Jelqing

Although you can get a slightly larger penis through jelqing stretching exercises, it does have some not-so-good effects you should be aware of.

  • For starters, you could bruise your penis if you apply too much pressure.
  • Because jelqing can make your penis bigger by causing and repairing micro-tears, you can end up with some bruising in your member if not done correctly.
  • You can hamper your sexual health if you damage blood vessels and nerve endings.
  • It takes a while to show results. You'd need around six months.

So, as a preliminary evaluation weigh the benefits of increasing length and girth with this exercise against having a functional penis.

4. Take Blood Flow Supplements

blood flow supplements

The stronger and stiffer the erection, the more you make your penis larger.

When it comes to FDA-approved drugs that improve blood flow and stimulate erections, sildenafil (Viagra) and Cialis pop up. However, you can also find natural compounds that play a similar role in enlarging penises and improving libido without most side effects.

And on that note, it makes a lot of sense if you ingested male enhancement pills, which contain vitamins and natural supplements that stimulate blood flow to your dick. Ensure that your choice of pills doesn't include other synthetic chemicals because they can wreak havoc on your system.

Nevertheless, there are some natural supplements that have been shown to enhance blood flow, making them well suited to increasing penis size such as:

  • Yohimbine
  • L-arginine
  • Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
  • Epimedium
  • Propionyl-L-carnitine
  • Maca root
  • Ginkgo biloba: Researchers in China published results in Planta Medica that showed that ginkgo improved blood flow
  • Red ginseng
  • Horny goat weed

5. Apply Topical Creams And Lotion To Your Penis

A host of skin creams and lotions can enhance your erection or be used for ED because they contain compounds that improve the blood circulation in the penis vessels and cavities as well as helping with premature ejaculation, Some contain desensitizing compounds such as sprays or delay spray that as an added bonus can increase sexual stamina.

Two of the most common components of topical creams include L-arginine and alprostadil. The former is a naturally occurring amino acid in the body and is a potent vasodilator. In simpler terms, this compound is pretty effective at widening your blood vessels, enabling blood to flow better.

Alternatively, alprostadil is added to gels because it effectively stimulates the smooth muscles in the penis to relax. And when they do, blood rushes into the spaces, creating a rigid erection and some increased length.

Although not FDA-approved drugs in the U.S., alprostadil products are available for use elsewhere, like Canada and Europe. A review published in Research and Reports in Urology, examining the efficacy of clinical use of the cream, showed that it was effective in more than half of men who used it.

6. Get In Shape, Lose Some Weight

Now, most men believe they have short penises because they only measure the visible part. However,  the base of your penis starts right from the pubic bone, held in place by the suspensory ligament. So fat men usually have short members because they can't see the base.

A thick pad of pubic fat has eaten up several inches of your penis, resulting in something scientists refer to as adult acquired buried penis. In other words, if you've packed on a lot of pounds during those long winter months, chances are your dick is actually longer than what you see when you glance down.

Eat Healthily, Work Up a Sweat to Gain an Inch

Eat Healthily, Work up a Sweat to Gain to Increase Penis Size

You can easily pull back an inch or two if you shed some fat. And yes, we know, it's not quite an easy thing to do, losing weight. However, you can kick-start weight loss by switching up your diet to include healthier food free from trans fats. Additionally, you need to engage in regular physical exercise to increase penis size.

With such exercise we mean:

  • Cardio - running, swimming, brisk walks, and cycling
  • Resistance training - lifting weights
  • Bodyweight exercises - push-ups, pull-ups, crunches

Also, the best exercises for working out and losing weight are excellent for your overall sexual health. Not only will you feel better, but you'll also put in considerably better performances between the sheets. After all, you'll have improved your circulation and sorted ED.

More research into the adult buried penis phenomenon suggests that you can get faster results through surgery. Research results published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery journal highlighted liposuction as a means to get rid of the fat pad beneath the skin.

7. Trim Your Pubic Hair

According to research results from the University of California, San Francisco, more men are into shaving their pubes, mainly because they're preparing for oral sex and want to look good down there.

Another benefit of trimming pubic hair is that it appears to increase penis size if you have an average or smaller penis. Now, obviously, this won't physically add that much-needed inch that you feel your partner desires. However, it does give the appearance of a slightly bigger penis.

Cutting your pubes (carefully, of course), frees up more penis, giving the illusion that it's even bigger than it was last evening.

And while we're on the subject of creating illusions...

8. Wear A Penis Sleeve

penis sleeves increase penis size and girth

A penis sleeve is in the category of sex toys used mostly by men to increase penis size and girth. A penis sleeve also referred to as a cock sleeve, penis extender, penis enhancer, penis sheath, or external penile prosthetic. They are made out of silicone, rubber, or latex to give the impression of flesh, making them ideal for bringing your partner to orgasm during penetration.

Men use a penis sleeve for many different purposes some managing erectile dysfunction without medication others for the illusion of a large penis, increasing penis size synthetically, or for sexual stamina natural remedy for premature ejaculation (PE) because when wearing a sleeve sensations are muted during penetrative sex.

9. Make Use Of Penis Extenders

Penile extenders, also known as traction devices, are contraptions that gradually increase length and girth by putting your penis under tension through stretching. To make the most of this stretching device, strap it onto your penis, leaving it on under your clothes for 4 to 6 hours.

These devices are pretty effective at dealing with Peyronie's disease. In this condition, a build-up of fibrous scar tissue causes the penis to significantly bend in one direction. A traction device stretches out this kink, righting the penis curvature. The same principle applies when it comes to penis enlargement.

Research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine supports the effectiveness of penile extenders. The results show an average increase of about 1 inch in flaccid penis length after consistent use for 2 to 3 months. The same study showed no increase in penile girth.

Cons of Using Traction Devices

Despite their ability to grow your penis, these extenders also possess some drawbacks similar in a way to jelqing. These include:

  • Persistent bruising can cause blood clots that might find their way to other areas of the body
  • Pain and considerable discomfort from wearing the contraption for several hours at a time
  • Potential nerve damage

If conservative therapies fail to increase your penis length, you can always consider a more permanent procedure like penis enlargement surgery.

10. Penis Enlargement Surgery

the pros and cons of penis enlargement surgery

For men looking for more permanent ways to enlarge their penis, surgery is a viable option. However, there are different ways doctors use to boost the thickness and length of your member.

They include:

  • Injecting fillers
  • Implants
  • Length and girth enhancement surgery

A. Penis Injections/Fillers

Most women and men are familiar with fillers injected into the lips for cosmetic aesthetics in the beauty industry. Doctors use the same principle when it comes to penis injections to increase girth.

A surgeon can inject temporary fillers like Restylane or Juvederm. On the other hand, they can opt for fats they've harvested from under the skin of your thighs, buttocks, or abdomen. In some cases, doctors can inject platelet-rich plasma, improving blood circulation to your penis.

Care should be taken to ensure that the resultant shape is even. Otherwise, your penis could end up very uneven and unsightly - a turn-off for both you and your partner.

B. Penis Implants

Another more permanent method is the addition of silicon blocks into the penis, similar to what women get when they go in for breast implants. This significantly increases penile thickness.

Because there's less risk of post-surgery complications, this procedure (Penuma) is has a stamp of approval from the U.S Food and Drug Administration. This is backed up by a study in the Journal of Sexual medicine where only 3% of the 400 patients had symptoms that required removal of the implant.

C. Enlargement Surgery

Depending on your requirements, you can get surgery for either lengthening or thickening. None of the procedures is without risk, but, done well, worth it.


If you want a longer penis the easy way - surgically, that is - would be cutting the suspensory ligament. A surgeon cuts this ligament from its attachment at the pubic bone. This causes your penis to hang in a lower position from the body, making it seem bigger.

In some instances, surgeons will use part of the patient's scrotal sac or skin and graft it onto the space between the severed ligament and the now-longer penis. This also allows it to heal properly.

Girth Enhancement

Like the implant procedure we examined earlier, this surgical treatment requires fat to be added to the penis to make it more engorged.  The difference here is that the surgeon cuts the skin and inserts layers harvest from patients.

In some instances, however, they can use AlloDerm on an off-label basis. Because it works well with tissue grafts in other body parts, it works and heals well in penile tissue to increase size. According to the Division of Plastic Surgery at the UCLA School of Medicine, this treatment can add 2 to 4 cm in size.

Side Effects of Penile Enlargement Surgery

Because it's invasive, there are some noticeable health concerns associated with this course of action.

They include:

  • High risk of infection and disease
  • Reduced strength and penis direction during erections if the suspensory ligament is severed badly
  • Risk of unintentional injury during the initial phase of recovery
  • Loss penile sensation in some patients even with sexual stimulation
  • Implants can break
  • Unattractive penis if fillers aren't injected soundly

How To Get A Thick Back


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